Research Article
Exploring the Nodus of Treatment, the Treatment of Diseases Is Always Full of Uncertainty
Chi Zhao*
Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2025
9 December 2024
20 December 2024
14 January 2025
Abstract: The greatest threat to human existence is disease. In order to alleviate the pain caused by diseases, human beings have tried many methods in survival practice. People have always believed that drug treatment is the most trustworthy means and can play an immediate role in relieving and eliminating symptoms. But the harsh reality is that more and more diseases are out of control, the mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including cancer, is increasing every year, illustrating the limited and ineffective nature of drug treatment, and scholars around the world are searching for ways to alleviate the suffering of disease and prolong life. Non-drug treatments such as homeopathy have been promoted worldwide because they are effective, however, it is not clear why various non-drug treatments are effective, and prayer and witch doctors also play a role in the psychological and mental comfort as non-drug treatments. In fact, the onset of NCDs is a mental injury, and the mental and psychological damage can only be solved through the soothing of the mind, and all the therapeutic measures (including drugs) used to treat the mental trauma can be used. There are uncertainties in drug treatment, homeopathy and prayer, and a true analysis of their meaning can be helped for the treatment of disease.
Abstract: The greatest threat to human existence is disease. In order to alleviate the pain caused by diseases, human beings have tried many methods in survival practice. People have always believed that drug treatment is the most trustworthy means and can play an immediate role in relieving and eliminating symptoms. But the harsh reality is that more and mo...
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Review Article
Eucalyptus Globules in Homoeopathy: Traditional Wisdom Meets Modern Healing with Acute Case Study
Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2025
13 December 2024
7 January 2025
24 January 2025
Abstract: In the ancient time Eucalyptus globulus used for the various purpose. It is a tall and an evergreen tree that can grow up to the height of 70m and its diameter is about 4 to 7 ft. Which was first found on the island of Tasmania in 1792 which associate to the Myrtaceous family which is commonly called as Tasmanian Blue Gum, southern blue gum or blue gum are the different names of eucalyptus globulus grow in the various parts of India. The particular species of Eucalyptus globulus have been used for various purposes. It had been found that eucalyptus is a rich source of phytochemical constituent and also possesses medicinal use. Phytochemical analysis of this plant has revealed that Mother tincture extracted from leaf contain 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, p-cymene, cryptone and spathulenol. Due to these chemical compounds, Eucalyptus glabrous is found to be a potential anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-nociceptive and anti-oxidant agent of nature. Some recent scientific investigations have also revealed that essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus also have anti-diabatic potentials that enhances its market value due to excessive usage in number of pharmaceutical products of traditional and advanced system of medicines. The aim of this review paper is compiling all the information about Eucalyptus Globulus such as Decongestant, Antipyretic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-nociceptive, Antimicrobial, Anti-fungal, Antiviral and Anti-oxidant agent of the nature with Acute Case Records & So that which can be used effectively in Treatment of Patients of Acute Viral Conditions like URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection), Influenza, COVID-19, Common Cold etc.
Abstract: In the ancient time Eucalyptus globulus used for the various purpose. It is a tall and an evergreen tree that can grow up to the height of 70m and its diameter is about 4 to 7 ft. Which was first found on the island of Tasmania in 1792 which associate to the Myrtaceous family which is commonly called as Tasmanian Blue Gum, southern blue gum or blue...
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